Welcome to the Wonderful and Whimsical Life of Sara Kay & Family

Monday, September 6, 2010

been a while

I has been a while since the last post but here is my list of excuses for being so lazy about it.  We have moved so all the packing, and unpacking has taken a large amount of time.  And well uhhh moving I suppose is my only excuse.  Anyhow, we are now living in Twin Falls, Idaho! On our first night in our new house we breathed in a deep breath and were so delighted to smell to sweet smell of fresh cut hay.  You don't smell that smell in Elko.
We are moved in to our new house here in Twin and have started to integrate into our new ward.  For me this changing wards thing was terrifying.  I have never had the opportunity to move to a new ward before because I was baptized in the ward that we just moved from.  Our new ward is a lot younger then our ward in Elko, which is kinda hard to get used to.  I did receive a calling serving on the Ward Activities Committee.  Very excited about this.  One of the things that helped me so much when I was taking missionary lessons was the ward activities that I was invited to and was fellowshipped at.  I am excited to use the things that I learned in that part of my life to hopefully help others feel the spirit.
Jenni is starting school this week! Oh my goodness! Jenni is starting school this week!! Ahhhhh!! Jenni is going to school!  Did I mention that Jenni is starting school this week? Jeez I am so scared about this!  I remember the first time I took her to nursery at church.  I sent my perfect little 18 month old angel into nursery and I headed to Sunday school.  I then picked her up 2 hours later and she was telling me, "NO" and taking toys and saying, "MINE."  She was ruined!! Okay that is a little dramatic but still she was perfect before she spent 2 hours away from me.  So you see now she is heading to public school for 3 hours, yes 3 whole, long hours a day and not one day a week, 5 whole, long days and week.  Sheesh!!!!  Tomorrow is the big day.  We will see how I do.  Notice I am not worried about Jenni doing okay, I know she is going to do great and she is so excited to go.  Now if I can make it through the day with out puking and having a mental breakdown  it will be a great day.  There will be pictures to follow the big day.